The past three-hundred-and-thirty-some-odd days have been an emotionally & creatively taxing time. Not only has all the constant news (pandemic, social justice, & election) been distracting and distressing, but it has left little room in my brain to "waste" time and …
With just a few days left of Calligraphies in Conversation & my Mundane Love pieces being on view, I wanted to take some time to talk about their inspiration and my process for creating them. Cursive—more art than practical In the calligraphy world, there is a lot of …
When you google “improve handwriting” you will find a bunch of listicles telling you to hold your pen a certain way, loosen your grip, slowing down, and writing the letters over and over. These tips will definitely help, but they are exactly what we were taught it school. …
In the month of April, I joined an Instagram challenge to create one letter everyday. This really did become a challenge. I already usually draw everyday, but usually I skip the weekends to give my hands and mind a break. So coming back everyday for almost 4 weeks was hard! …
I recently finished taking a beginner’s copperplate class. I’m not a beginner, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t learned things from it. If you go into a space looking to learn you can usually find something, even if it’s not something the teacher expected to teach you that …